Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How To Lose Weight Naturally


A nutritionist explains that the fastest way to see ourselves as if we had gained 10 kg of muscle is losing 10 kg of fat. " Now, how do we achieve this? How to lose weight and maintain a slim figure? This can be achieved by removing and adding fat in place well defined muscles.
I leave you some tips below to achieve this goal through a healthy diet , ie a balanced diet , accompanied by a routine ejericios. This plan was developed by Alan Aragon, and help you lose weight by eliminating excess fat and making your muscles arise.
Calculate your calorie intake
When it comes to calories, Aragon has a simple rule: eat what your target weight required.
For example, if you weigh 100 kg but lower than 80 kg, you must consume calories corresponding to an 80 kg.

If you do 1 hour or less of exercise a week, multiply your goal weight 22.2. That is the number of calories you should consume daily. However, if you exercise longer, add 1.6 for every additional hour you train. So if your target weight is 80 kg and you exercise for 3 hours a week, you must multiply 80 by 27: it will be a consumption of 2160 calories a day. You divide those calories in the number of meals you want (three, four, five, six) while not exceed your daily limit.
Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate
Although you can focus on calorie intake, eating the right amounts of the proper nutrients will accelerate your results without making you feel like you're on a diet.

a. Protein: You probably know his qualities, as are the raw material for muscle growth. But they also help reduce your appetite and lose fat.
Ingested 2.25 grams of protein per kilo of your weight goal. If you weigh 80 kg, you should eat 180 grams of protein. One gram of protein has about 4 calories, so to calculate the calories you get from protein, multiply the number of grams by 4. For this case, be 720 calories.

b. Fat: Regarded as the bogeyman of the diet, but recent studies show that it is she who makes your belly grows, but the consumption of too many calories. The fat consumption may even protect you from overeating because it makes you feel full. So you end up eating before and you'll be satisfied longer.
Consume 1.13 grams of fat per kilo of your weight goal. If you weigh 80 kg, will be 90 grams. And since one gram of fat has about 9 calories, 810 calories from fat totalizarás, which will be 40% of your total calories.

c. Carbohydrates: carbohydrate foods not only taste good but contain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should not remove them completely but just make sure not to consume in excess. Consuming the right amounts of protein and fat will make your weight loss goals easier to achieve, because both keep hunger at bay. That's the key reason why Aragon prioritizes fat and protein, leaving the remaining calories by carbohydrates.

Adds your daily calories from fat and protein and subtract your total daily calories. Using the same example of the 80 kg objectives, you will see that it leaves you with 630 calories. These are what you will get from carbohydrates. Like proteins, each gram of carbohydrate gives you about 4 calories, so divide the number of carbohydrate calories by 4 to find out how many grams you should eat. For this case, 158 grams.

The first step to make those abs is also a workout, lower body fat. And the best way to achieve is to supplement these exercises with proper diet. Fortunately, not try to eat only lettuce, tomato and celery soup all day (God forbid) but take into account the calories you eat and what foods provide them. We saw in the first part how to count calories and how much we eat, then how to create your menu.
Create Your Menu Your diet should include whole foods, not processed, such as those found in nature.
You must choose mainly meat, eggs, dairy, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, as well as products that are made with 100% whole wheat flour. Did you see that the list does not include junk food? no candy, baked cakes or biscuits or sugary drinks.
Follow The Rules
If you want to make the most effective plan,
• Eat at least 2 servings of vegetables a day. Vegetables are low in calories and are high in fiber.
• Eat at least 2 servings of fruit a day. The fruit provides your muscles carbohydrates give you energy, but have less impact on levels of your blood sugar than foods high in starch. This is important because it helps you avoid the cravings that occur when your blood sugar levels rise and then leave the ground. Ideally, most of your carbohydrates should come from fruits and vegetables, so limit yourself to only two daily servings of grains, beans and vegetables are high in starch.
• The days you train, eat an hour before exercising and again within 60 minutes after you are done. For both meals, estimated 0.55 grams of protein and carbohydrates for each kilo of your weight goal. If your target weight is 80 kg, you should eat 45 grams of each nutrient (rounding the result). This will give your muscles a healthy dose of nutrients to be able to respond during your workout and your muscles recover after this.

Remember that your total daily protein and carbohydrate does not change, just be eating strategically for best results.
Your options are:
a. A reformulated shake that you can add fruit if you need more carbohydrates.
b. A smoothie almost entirely of proteins with 1/2 cup of cereal and a piece of fruit.
c. Tuna salad or turkey sandwich.
You need not torture yourself
In one meal a week, remember. "There's always room for junk food, while only a minority of what you eat" says Aragon.
Following these tips achieved it reconciled to your body and feel better about yourself, moreover, take care your health is most important, because having a weight above brings complications suitable for your body.

Will Quitting Smoking Makes You Fat?


There are factors that predispose to quit smoking gain weight. Quitting smoking affects hormones, nervous system, sense of taste and smell, the ability to digest and assimilate nutrients from food.
The psychological, influences the presence of anxiety and insomnia that somehow we must fight, and eat it feels to be overcome.
What happens in your body when you stop smoking?
Nicotine is the addictive component of snuff. The person who smokes, the substance works by decreasing your appetite, muscle movement throughout the entire digestive system (especially at the level of stomach and intestine), necessary for the digestion of food. It also acts by reducing the function of the gallbladder bile-store necessary for the assimilation of fat-, and other digestive secretions, making it difficult to use nutrients from food.
The nicotine and other toxic components of snuff, have a negative impact on our body.
So when you stop smoking the body shows a number of effects at different levels, such as:
Body weight. Heat production (thermogenesis) in the body of smokers increases about 6%, and basal metabolism is increased by about 200 kcal compared to nonsmokers. This is one reason for weight gain after quitting smoking.

Stress and anxiety. Nicotine results in increased levels of certain hormones such as adrenaline. When a smoker is hungry often responds to low blood glucose levels using the hyperglycemic action of nicotine. In the absence of snuff, increases stress and anxiety for an extra boost the nervous system, and also produces more adrenaline. In these cases, we usually try to calm nerves by eating more than they should, and especially worse or caloric foods and less nutritious.

Taste and smell. The snuff impairs the ability to smell and taste of the smoker. This effect is reversible so that when you stop smoking, improving taste and smell. He enjoys most of what you eat, you want food and food with strong flavors This can make you eat more food and the result is a calorie diet.

Digestion and metabolism of nutrients. The use of snuff is associated with increased acid secretion in the stomach. When smoking stops the levels of these acidic substances are normalized and improves the movement of the intestinal wall thereby digestion and metabolism of nutrients is more effective.
However, if carried out a balanced diet and regular exercise practice, smoking cessation does not mean that necessarily is going to get fat.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Is There A Perfect Diet?


Have you ever wondered what celebrities eat and models we see on television to be this thin? Are they any foolproof diet to maintain weight?
These super skinny models are idolized and imitated by thousands of women and men around the world, yet we also want to look like them with some trick to lose weight. However, most of them do not maintain an adequate diet. While not all super models have eating disorders almost to the brink of death, we must be careful to watch their silhouettes and physical as the ideal to follow. So one area is the need for urgent action to address the myths and misconceptions about diet.
The proliferation of diets "super model" and dietary fads have left many sick and self-conscious. Many who were misinformed or ignorant of the science behind the diets have continued their quest for physical perfection, following some supposedly "perfect diet program," which guarantees the achievement of a supermodel body.
But is there really a perfect diet?
By definition, a diet is any food you choose to consume and to which you commit yourself to lose weight. A proper diet will require you to modify your eating habits and consumption. Most diets have either a lot of fiber, or steamed vegetables, and little or virtually no room for carbohydrates. Although it might make you feel on a diet, without doubt leads to a number of side effects. These can range from severe headaches, to blackouts, low mental balances to carbohydrate cravings cravings are often even desperate.
There are plenty of popular diet plans currently offered to those who are concerned about weight and regular consumers. Research has shown that most people who start a diet plan tend to lose between 5 and 10% of their initial weight within 3 months of starting their plan. However, when weight loss slows down, people tend to be disappointed by the slow progress of the plan and often abandon the diet and then regain the weight they had lost.
No diet will work perfectly for everyone, but there are diet plans that can be tailored to an individual. How to choose a diet program that is right for you is to find a plan that contains the food you like and that reflects your lifestyle. These diet plans must be accompanied by regular exercise and adequate rest.
Everyone knows that the keys to weight loss is achieved through discipline and balance in all aspects of diet and exercise program. Sounds simple enough, but in real life, the loss of those extra kilos can be very demanding of your time and effort level. The diets of individual plans really depend on each person's health and weight loss goals. The best diet for weight loss is one that will help you eat less, eat healthy and exercise more. The perfect diet should not end in deprivation, starvation, or worse, losing one's life. Lose the extra kilos and gain more pleasure in life are the actual results of a perfect diet. Consult your nutritionist and not lose hope!

Foods That Help Burn Fats


1. Raw fruits and vegetables
Not only will you be able to maintain your weight more easily if you eat more of fruits and vegetables, but also lose weight faster while following a weight loss plan.
Another fact is that your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a food that contains mostly fruits and vegetables if you ate one without fruit or vegetables.
Besides fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, pineapples liquefy (or burn) body fat so that it can be easily expelled from your body.
Another reason why you need to eat raw fruits and vegetables is because farmers feed the pigs cooked or steamed vegetables to fatten these animals because farmers know that the thin raw vegetables.
2. Oatmeal
Oats are loaded with fiber which decreases your appetite making you feel full so you can go longer without having to eat while at the same time keep your energy level high.
If you eat oatmeal about 1 to 2 hours before an exercise routine to lose weight ... Oats will give you a longer burst of energy that will help you work longer and harder in your workouts which will help you lose weight faster.
It is better to eat steel-cut oatmeal, plain oatmeal or simple, flavored oatmeal packets that contain a large amount of sugar.
Researchers at Loughborough University found that when athletes ate complex carbohydrates (fiber from oats) for breakfast and lunch ... They burned a lot more fat during the day than those who ate simple carbohydrates athletes or those foods that are not useful for weight loss.
Also, the researchers found that when athletes ate complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, they burned more fat while exercising and also were able to exercise longer.
3. Milk products
Dairy products or foods high in calcium like low fat yogurt, cheese and milk fat cells unfold faster.
In a recent study people who ate low-fat dairy products 3 to 4 times per day, lost 70% more fat than people who had a diet low in dairy scientists also believe that foods high in calcium suppresses calcitriol, a hormone responsible for making fat cells are larger. Dairy products contain high quality protein to help suppress appetite.
4. Any kind of raw nuts
Like any kind of nuts because of the fiber that helps you not be hungry and give you a good dose of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids that help you burn fat faster and produce more testosterone, but ... To get the benefits complete to help you lose weight, be sure to eat raw nuts, organic and not roasted and salted.
5. Apples
Eat apples for pectin found in apples may prevent your body from absorbing too much fat, and ... The pectin in apples causes your body to release fat.
Pectin is also a strong appetite suppressant that keeps you satisfied for long periods of time not letting you eat too much, so this way will not gain weight.
According to a study done in Brazil people who ate a whole apple before each meal lost 33% more weight than the group of people who did not.
6. Fish
Eat more fish like salmon, tuna and sardines will make your body more sensitive to a hormone called leptin fat burning (Greek leptos meaning "thin").
Leptin suppresses your appetite and also determines whether the calories you eat should be stored as fat or whether they should be burned for energy
7. Spices
Add spices to your meals like chili peppers, jalapeno chile, red pepper or hot mustard, to increase your metabolism to burn fat in 8 to 20% up to 3 hours after eating these spices.
Dr. Henry of the University of Oxford showed that hot peppers can increase your metabolism to burn fat by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to meals and a British study found that the spicy mustard made people burn 45 to 75 extra calories over 3 hours.
Garlic is a potent diuretic that can help eliminate excess water weight, spicy foods can also reduce your appetite by increasing levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine in your body.
Gingerol (the active ingredient in ginger) increases the production of growth hormone, which in turn increases the amount of fat which is released from the fat deposits in order to be burnt as fuel for the body .
8. Organic Meat
Organic meat contains a lot CLA (conjugated linoleic acid or), which is basically a healthy fat that helps burn fat.
According to the International Journal of Obesity ... People who ate CLA abdominal fat removed allowing them to reduce their waists in 3 inches without doing any diet or without making changes to your lifestyle.
9. Resistant starch
The resistant starch is another kind of dietary fiber but according to a study at the University of Colorado going to burn between 20 to 30% more fat if you include in your diet with resistant starch-laden foods like white beans, bananas, potatoes , lentils, oats and whole grain breads.
Besides resistant starch prevents your body from storing too much fat and like other dietary fibers, resistant starch makes you feel full longer, so do not gain weight (and lose weight only)
10. Avocado
Avocados contain a sugar called mannoheptulose which helps reduce insulin levels which in turn prevents your body from storing fat (or gain weight).

Light Recipes for Cold Days


Healthy food for winter. A good idea to make something warm and comforting, without excessive calories or fat. With the calculation of calories and nutritional breakdown of the contributions.
Lentils to the Greek
Makes 4 servings
4 wells coffee size of lentils
1 onion, chopped
2 white celery, chopped
2 carrots cut into cubes
1 leek, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of rosemary
1 clove garlic, minced
4 tsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. white vinegar
1 liter of water
Vegetable spray
Cover the onion with vegetable spray and sauté in a preheated pan, add the celery, carrots, leek, garlic, water, lentils, bay leaf and rosemary. Continue cooking until carrots and lentils are tender. Turn off the stove before serving and add oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
Each serving of lentils to the Greek provides:
190 calories
Carbohydrates, protein, monounsaturated fats and fiber
B complex vitamins, beta carotene, vitamins K, E and C
Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Add fruits and vegetables to your diet


In today's fast paced world, people tend to eat on the go. There are fast food available in a number of fast food restaurants to attract people to buy food they can eat on the road. Greasy chicken, burgers luxury, chips, sugary drinks are some of the rules. Apart from these, busy commuters can also get fried foods from street vendors, who offer what is rich and can easily fry like hot dogs or "hot dogs" and sandwiches. Not to be outdone, food companies even produce processed foods and fast food to meet the demands of the busy lives of people. Think for a moment. Do you have a problem with this picture? I do, because the above scenario is really happening, especially in urbanized cities. But look what is happening. Obesity may be a way to say it, but malnutrition is best suited to the description. Most fast foods contain enough fat and salt to keep a person healthy for a week. The sugar content in super-size soft drinks is enough to put a diabetic coma. Instant meals and foods contain a lot of sodium, and preservatives that serve as precursors for cancer and other complications such as heart disease.
How to solve this? There anything you can do. Changing eating habits and influence others to change theirs as well. A good start would be to establish a meal plan based on the food pyramid. You will significantly reduce fats and sweets in their diet according to the number of servings of these products on the basis of the food pyramid. Add about five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables do feel the effects of a rejuvenated body in time.
In fact, you should enter large amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These foods help detoxify your body. Most vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables.
Besides being delicious, nutritious fruits also. For example, did you know that eating a banana a day can do wonders for your body? Bananas are among the richest sources of potassium, a vital mineral in the body, which is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses and heart rate. They are also a good source of fiber, which aids in digestion and mobility of the waste products out of your body. Bananas are also very tasty desserts, making them more attractive. Fruits in general, can be consumed in great desserts or snacks, and are even healthier. Choose the best fruit that suits your taste, and experiment with different preparations for a refreshing way to enjoy your favorite fruit every day.
Vegetables contain many essential vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E and K and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. With the use of yellow and orange vegetables like carrots can get lots of vitamin A to maintain the clarity of his vision and preventing night blindness. Green leafy vegetables like lettuce and cabbage have numerous benefits such as vitamin C, which help strengthen the immune system, vitamin E, which help in the integrity of the skin and acts as an antioxidant, and vitamin K, which is responsible for the production of coagulation factors from blood in the body. Broccoli little famous, portrayed by the media as being the dislike of children, number of bolus contains calcium and phosphorus. Imagine what a small piece of the plant can do for your body.
To be aware that diet, skip those fattening snacks and then remove the guilt of fruits and vegetables. Try to eat better snacks rich in water, fruits like watermelons. They help make you feel full without the guilt of a truck loaded with calories. Or how about eating a fresh green salad? The content of the high volume of vegetables help make you feel full longer, making it avoid frequent trips to the bakery.
You will be happy to know that you can eat fruits and vegetables in the quantity you want, because they only contain minimal amounts of calories, fat and cholesterol. With the exception of some varieties such as avocados, which are high in fat, you can achieve the desired goal weight by replacing fruits and vegetables and fresh meats. So you will not have any problems with the burning of large amounts of calories when you eat fatty foods.
Nourish your body with fruits and vegetables. It has various health benefits. Remember how fruits and vegetables to your diet can help.